The Impact of iPhones on Students

During the current student’s life span, electronics have made an amazing jump in their development. Going from the first iPhone being released in June of 2007 to the newest iPhone X released in November of 2017. While these modern electronics provide lots of information and helpful tools, it has been found to have a negative side as well. Such as the battle of electronics in the school environment. Mr.Gardener said this is “a battle I get tired of fighting.”

There was a study done in January of 2017 by PEW researchers that found 92% of high school students have a cellphone, 54% of which are smartphones.

Haley Hess said, “Cell phones distract me, but I don’t plan on getting rid of it anytime soon.”.

Integration of electronics in the classroom has become more and more common to benefit not only the student, but the teacher as well. However there is some controversy on  thoughts of phones in the classroom as Ian Stromski said, “Very much distracting,” along with Lindsey Fales who said, “I believe there are pros and cons to phones in the classroom. If I were put into a room without my phone I would accomplish a lot more in less time.”

It’s helpful in the ways of improving the overall educational experience, having access to any required information, and it’s a good tool for organization, scheduling and note taking. However, if misused, these electronics can be a major distraction for the student as well as any other pupils around them, and even the teacher. Paris Lingamfelter said, “Personally, I see the benefit in technology, but during class it can be a distraction. However, I think it can provide quicker access to information. It’s not the technology, it’s the person.”

While there are rules put in place to try and prevent these negative aspects of modern electronics in the classroom, yet they still prove to be an issue. Mrs.McGlinchey said, “For physical science, they’re useful for timing things, quick answers, example: finding melting points. It’s most annoying when they’re on it when they’re not supposed to be. Freshman more than Sophomores are on their phones and it annoys me when they don’t put it away. They need the cellphone for a timer, or checking grades. Students should be given guidelines of when they should or shouldn’t use it.” Schools should take into account both sides of working with technology as it continues to vastly improve.