How the 2020 Quarantine Affected Students’ Lives


Nolan Minehart, Paperclip Writer

It started off as a normal day for Portsmouth High School students, as well as other students and staff across the country. Most students did not have a care in the world about the virus, all they wanted was time off from school. However, many people were not ready for what would come next as the school closing would be no vacation, but would make everyone miss going to school every morning.

Schools across the nation were very unprepared for the pandemic but were quick to set up a system that would work, but was it effective? “Over quarantine my studying and work habits decreased, I had no motivation to do any work,” said Portsmouth High School student, Callum Stocker. Although students had more time to do work, kids learn in different ways at different paces. However it is very important for students to be in a classroom setting instead of watching a lesson in their bed, over a computer screen.

Although this was not the case for all students, as some found online school easier and were motivated to get their work done. Max Guth, a fellow PHS student, said that he found it easier to get his work done for his classes. However, there was one thing all students hated and it was not being able to see their friends for months.

Quarantine was hard on most kids, as they weren’t able to see their friends or do much besides sit inside and occasionally go outside. Both Max Guth and Callum Stocker said they spent a lot of time outside to keep their minds off of things.

 Staying indoors and complying with online school for months was tough on everyone but everyone pulled through and made it through.