The Value of Trying Out a CTE Program at PHS

Are you interested in learning and exploring a trades class? Here are some reasons why you should check-out the trades at PHS


Addison Kady, PHS PaperClip Writer

The trades play a very important role in keeping America running. As the Baby Boomers are starting to retire, the trades are suffering because there is no one taking their place. In the United States at this time, 62% of companies are struggling to fill skilled trade positions. This shortage in skilled trades will have lasting effects on the economy, luckily for Portsmouth High School students, there is a great Career and Technical Education (CTE) center. 

At PHS, CTE classes provide on-the-job experience and hands-on learning. The following skilled-trade courses are offered at PHS: Welding, Technology, Automotive, Woodworking, and Architecture and Design.

These programs open your eyes to different paths you could possibly take in life. And second, it teaches you the value of working with your hands.

In an interview with Welding Instructor, Mr. Schefer, he talked about some of the advantages of going into a CTE program. The greatest advantage, he said, is that it gives students who really aren’t sure what they want to do some perspective on opportunities and options that are out there. Schefer said, “the [CTE] programs put you out to be able to get more jobs” after high school because students will have gained experience. One statement that should resonate with everyone is that CTE programs “offers you the chance to build skills to have a lifelong career.”

When picking out classes for next semester or next year, consider one of the CTE programs at PHS. You never know, it just might end up becoming your future career.