The PaperClip is the newspaper of the Portsmouth High School community. This publication is produced by the Journalism class but includes contributions from the PHS community at large and serves as a free student publication and a forum for discussion, and a source of information concerning events and issues surrounding our school community.
The Purpose of The PaperClip is to provide a thought-provoking, sensitive, and relevant publication for the Portsmouth High School community. It seeks to provide a deeper look at what is going on inside and around our school, to help make such participation and interest accessible to all members of that community. All materials published in these papers will be soundly substantiated. While all publications may not be what everyone wants to hear, all publications will be TRUTHFUL.
The PaperClip is responsible for producing media based upon professional standards of accuracy, objectivity, fairness, and active, responsible interest surrounding The Portsmouth High School community.
The PaperClip’s priorities are to raise awareness of major issues and events around the community pertaining to Portsmouth High School. In turn, this gives PHS students, staff members, and others the opportunity to become more involved, active in, and informed about issues in their community that pertain to their school. As a secondary role, The PaperClip will also be a source of interest and entertainment for the student body.
The PaperClip provides an extremely effective learning process in which the student staff is able to take on the skills and responsibilities of research, writing, word processing, photography, graphic design, advertisement, sales, marketing, PR, contacts development, fundraising and grants writing, communications, media analysis, and media management. It also teaches good leadership, business, and interpersonal skills. Student staff members and the teacher/advisor are responsible for all phases of production, except printing, and assume responsibility for all contents of the paper.
The policy of The PaperClip is to acquire accurate information honestly in reporting; however, material that may jeopardize an individual, the school, or a business in the community will not be printed.