Spirit Week 2019: Clipper Pride at an All-Time High

This past week, Portsmouth High School celebrated school unity throughout different events in spirit week. Each day had a different theme, and students participated by dressing up and showing their school spirit. 

According to Angela Hagstrom, junior student council member, the goal of spirit week is to, “[show] school spirit! Just have fun!” 

Dylan Webb, a freshman, said that his favorite part of spirit week is “it shows how expressive people can be. Even the kids that maybe aren’t super outgoing are able to show everyone who they are. It’s a big part of what makes it so special.”

This week, the themes were class color day, pajama day, USA day, preppy day, and clipper pride day. The themes are voted on by student council members.  “Each day is designated to a class student council. Monday is the freshmen class…. sophomores have Tuesdays, juniors have Wednesdays, and seniors have Thursdays,” Hagstrom commented. 

Hayley Currier, a senior, explains the importance of Spirit Week: “It’s a whole week of everyone going all out in their own ways…[and] everyone comes together as not only a class but as a school.”

 The week was rounded off with a school pep rally on Friday, where students participated in school-wide activities. 

As a whole, Spirit Week 2019 was a total success. Yay PHS! Go Clippers!