Recap Of Spirit Week 2019 Outfits

Every year for one week in October, staff and students show off their school spirit over the course of five days.

Spirit week kicked off with a class color day on Monday. Freshman showing up to school in white, sophomores wearing red, juniors wearing blue, seniors wearing black, and teachers wearing pink.

Hanna Witham and Megan Keaveney both agreed that freshman Lillianna and Gianna Hebert both had the best costumes. They both came to school as a white hydro flask. There are many other people who agreed that the Hebert twins had the best outfit.

On Tuesday, students came to school looking comfy and ready for bed on pajama day. Many students brought blankets to school and wore onesies and slippers.

Sydney Szmyt reported that sophomore, Macie Morill looked most dressed up. She thinks that the junior class looked best dressed overall. Once again Hebert twins and Jayden Hebert got many student favorites, too.

On Wednesday, the school celebrated its U.S.A. pride with America day. People came to school decked out in red, white and blue. Students had American flag capes, America socks, and stars and flags face painted on

Max Ward had thought that the best dressed was Nicholas Tavares and that the freshman class had dressed up the most.

Thursday was a preppy day.  Sam Venuto thought that Lucia Hillman had the best outfit and that the freshman class had dressed up the most.

Baden Patterson thought that Hebert twins were the best dressed and that the junior class was best dressed. Ward agreed.

On Friday, it was school spirit day and people were covered in the school colors, maroon, gold, black, and white. On this day, it was the pep rally.

Overall spirit week had a good turnout and there were a lot of great outfits.